Now that I've had the scooter for a couple of weeks, I feel it's a good time to write a review.
I'm in college. I'm 5'3" and weigh 118 pounds. This scooter is the perfect size for me. In fact, like another reviewer who is my height said, my feet almost don't touch the ground when I'm sitting on the seat. So please keep that in mind if you are thinking of purchasing this scooter for a child.
This scooter is powerful and fast. It easily makes it up average hills. It will not climb steep hills but you can help it along by kicking.
The battery lasts a long time for me. I haven't kept time, but I can make it around town and back and still have charge left. It's easy to combine coasting and power to make the battery last longer.
The handlebars don't adjust in height. It's a big scooter. It weighs 60 pounds. You will need to leave it outside when you reach your destination, so you'll need a good lock.
It needs to charge for at least 12 hours when the battery is low. Unfortunately, there is no battery indicator.
I love the color. It is pink with little flowers and super cute. I receive compliments about it all the time.
I attached a removable wire basket to the seat post (it faces backwards). You may want to consider one, too, because it's handy when you need to carry books, groceries, etc.
The scooter is great fun! It's good for the environment, too. I would totally recommend it to other college students. I use this for quick errands and then take the bus or carpool if I need to go somewhere farther.
I would also recommend it to teenagers who can't drive yet because you don't need a license for this and the freedom you gain is priceless.
Amazon shipped this quickly and I received it in less than a week. Great price, great company.Get more detail about Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter (Sweet Pea).
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