I've owned a Xootr Mg for a little over 3 years now. I commute to work with it, by some combination of bus, subway and Xootring.
This thing is about as fragile as a wrecking bar. I'm 6'4" and nearly 200 lbs, and I ride on a lot of brick sidewalks. The tires are a little worn down now, but other than that, it works as well as the day I unpacked it.
Once you've experienced the glide-to-kick ratio of the Xootr, you're not going to be happy with any other scooter. One section of my daily commute is along a little over a mile of bike path. It's very slightly down-hill, but looks level to the casual observer. On a bad day, it takes me five kicks to travel over a mile. One time, at a road crossing half way along the run, a jogger asked me "did I realize motorized transport was illegal on that trail?"
You've really got to ride one keeping your weight back as far as possible on the foot board, and don't depend on just the front brake for stopping. As other reviewers have observed, it doesn't take too much of a stick or crack in the pavement to bring a Xootr to a crashing halt. Staying alert at all times is the price you pay for the performance you get.
The only accessory I use is the shoulder strap, which is indispensible. Using shopping bags slung over the handlebars works fine for hauling stuff, as long as you keep your speed down on the homeward path.
I highly recommend the Xootr as a tool for multi-mode commuting trips, and just plain having fun!Get more detail about Xootr Mg with Fender - Black.
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