I purchased a Dog Dazer in 1996 and it still has the original battery in it. Two weeks ago a friend was attacked by a dog; she was holding a book and shoved it toward him so he bit it instead of her, all while she was very firmly yelling at it, which usually works for her. I zapped the dog with the Dazer and it stopped, then charged again, so I zapped it again. It whined and ran away, this happened about two more times and then it left us alone so we could keep walking. This is probably the 2nd or 3rd time I've used it on a dog that was actually attacking, and it worked all those times.
The packaging said that it doesn't really work on a calm dog or on a dog that's not upset or in a very excited state. That has been true for me. Naturally I've tried it on different dogs to make sure it at least is making a sound (especially with a battery this old). Sometimes it has stopped a dog from barking, but it has only worked as a deterrent on very angry, attacking dogs (in my case). If the dog is happy, calm, curious, or playful, it had absolutely no effect other than a glance in my direction. So either the instructions on the current packaging are misleading (very possible), or else a lot of reviewers have not read the instructions clearly. Get more detail about Dog Dazer II.
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