Great helmet for my 14 month old. I couldn't find any other helmet anywhere to fit a child her age. She loves the bunnies all over too! Get more detail about Giro Me2 Infant Bike Helmet.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Giro Me2 Infant Bike Helmet Buy Now
Great helmet for my 14 month old. I couldn't find any other helmet anywhere to fit a child her age. She loves the bunnies all over too! Get more detail about Giro Me2 Infant Bike Helmet.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Go-Ped Know-Ped Push Scooter Decide Now
Love this scooter.
wheels are great .
its comfortable and rides well.
makes us get out of the house more and enjoy outdoors .Get more detail about Go-Ped Know-Ped Push Scooter.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Pulse Xcelerator Kick 'N Go Scooter Right now
the pulse kick n` go is a great product it is good for exersicing your legs and getting a little cardiio work-outGet more detail about Pulse Xcelerator Kick 'N Go Scooter.
Lowest Price Currie Technologies e-Zip E750 Electric Scooter
I bot this E750 a month ago, so far it works very good. With my weight, about 170 pounds, I sometimes use it to go to work, about 3.5 miles one way, it works very fine back and forth. My two kids, 11 & 9, they zip around our neighborhood and the parks, they love it too. The only minus is it is pretty heavy.Get more detail about Currie Technologies e-Zip E750 Electric Scooter.
Low Price Huffy Disney Cars Scooter, Red/Black, 6-Inch
Short and sweet, it's all in the title.
Opening the pretty small box, I was surprised how compact it was. In just a few minutes I was able to put it together. My 4 year old can ride it fine, but there was a learning curve. When he kicks, because it's a three wheel, the back wheel is a little in the way. But he started using a little wider stance, and life was good.Get more detail about Huffy Disney Cars Scooter, Red/Black, 6-Inch.
Save Xootr Mg with Fender - Black
I've owned a Xootr Mg for a little over 3 years now. I commute to work with it, by some combination of bus, subway and Xootring.
This thing is about as fragile as a wrecking bar. I'm 6'4" and nearly 200 lbs, and I ride on a lot of brick sidewalks. The tires are a little worn down now, but other than that, it works as well as the day I unpacked it.
Once you've experienced the glide-to-kick ratio of the Xootr, you're not going to be happy with any other scooter. One section of my daily commute is along a little over a mile of bike path. It's very slightly down-hill, but looks level to the casual observer. On a bad day, it takes me five kicks to travel over a mile. One time, at a road crossing half way along the run, a jogger asked me "did I realize motorized transport was illegal on that trail?"
You've really got to ride one keeping your weight back as far as possible on the foot board, and don't depend on just the front brake for stopping. As other reviewers have observed, it doesn't take too much of a stick or crack in the pavement to bring a Xootr to a crashing halt. Staying alert at all times is the price you pay for the performance you get.
The only accessory I use is the shoulder strap, which is indispensible. Using shopping bags slung over the handlebars works fine for hauling stuff, as long as you keep your speed down on the homeward path.
I highly recommend the Xootr as a tool for multi-mode commuting trips, and just plain having fun!Get more detail about Xootr Mg with Fender - Black.
Discount Razor Wild Style Kick Scooter
My daughter received this as a birthday gift from my inlaws. There is nothing better than saving money with a better price, no tax and no shipping fee. Totally beats Toys R Us for identical products!
Scooter is awesome. Cute and not to princess like for girls.Get more detail about Razor Wild Style Kick Scooter.
Cheapest The Amazing Spiderman Kid's Folding Scooter
Bought this scooter for my 4 yr old grandson. He couldn't quit hopping up and down long enough to get on to ride. Finally he got on and took off like a champ. (he's been riding his older brother's all last year) It's a sturdy scooter, bright graphics, and will give him many years of FUN!!!Get more detail about The Amazing Spiderman Kid's Folding Scooter.
Cheap Razor Siege Caster Scooter
I bought this for my son's birthday and he has really enjoyed it. He also has a skateboard and a RipStik. This is actually a cross between the RipStik and a Razor scooter. It wasn't quite what he thought it would be (he thought it would have more of the RipStik characteristics but it doesn't) but he has adjusted and really likes it a lot. Lately he has grabbed this instead of his bike or any of the other toys when he goes out to play. I'd have to say it was a good purchase, not to mention that it was less expensive here than at a local store! Thanks, Amazon!Get more detail about Razor Siege Caster Scooter.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Buying X-Treme Scooters XB-502 Electric Bicycle
I have ridden this extreme e-bike for 2 years everyday. I love it. It is made in China. It is not perfect, but I have not had much problem with it. I had a flat tire on the back, but I fixed it with never leak or fix-a-flat. I never let the charge get totally dead, so it has always charged. The instructions are about useless, but I did manage to put the rest together by myself and I was a 53 year old 5' tall woman with determination. I really like the storage in the seat and trunk, because I even rode it in the winter(I could not ride it on ice, that would be stupid.) I could load $200.00 worth of groceries on it using recycle bags sat in front of me.Get more detail about X-Treme Scooters XB-502 Electric Bicycle.
Buy Cars McQueen Hardshell Bicycle Helmet and Protective Pad Value Pack (Toddler)
Thanks for the great, fast service. Sorry, this took so long. Been extremely busy. Love the CARS Lightning Mc Queen bike helmet. However, the straps need to be better, so more comforter for the child to wear. The protective pads are not too flexible and on the small side for a toddler and do not protect well.Get more detail about Cars McQueen Hardshell Bicycle Helmet and Protective Pad Value Pack (Toddler).
Purchase Razor Ultra Pro Lo Scooter
got one in the mail. put it together in 5 min. went outside and was so impressed on the performance! i even learned a new trick on it!
pros:durable, entertaining, has style.
cons: wheels break easy, more heavy then expected.
bottom line: nice scooter and good for tricks. fast and smooth. i would buy thisGet more detail about Razor Ultra Pro Lo Scooter.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Order Transformers-2 3-Wheels Scooter, Yellow
Product arrived quick and was easy to assemble. My Grandson just turned two and tries to use his older brother's scooter, but that's way to difficult. The 3-wheel scooter is just right for him to learn on.Get more detail about Transformers-2 3-Wheels Scooter, Yellow.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Where To Buy Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter
NEVER EVER buy this scooter!!! I bought this scooter a few months ago. It worked for a 2-3 months and then broke down. I charged it for two days but it never worked again. I checked the warranty and it was only for 3 months! Coinsidence? I don't think so! I tried to look for parts so I could fix it but the battery alone was $50! And the troubleshooting said I had to replace the engine, the chain, the battery, the throttle, and the control unit. Together it was like $200! What a waste of money!Get more detail about Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Shop For Spider-Man Preschool 3-Wheeled Scooter
I originally got this for my son who was 16 months old and it was too advanced for him. While waiting for him to grow into it, my 12 year old rode it around and broke it. We replaced it with another scooter that had hard plastic wheels and was cheaply made. We ended up purchasing this one again and throwing out the other one. The wheels are a sturdy hard rubber that should last through both my boys (providing my 12 year old doesn't try to ride it again). There was no wobble in either scooters we purchased and the back wheels fit snugly and rolled smoothly as long as all the spacers and washers were used. For those who aren't sure if it will work for them, the handlebars are 25" from the ground and 22" from the baseboard. The weight limit is 44 lbs.Get more detail about Spider-Man Preschool 3-Wheeled Scooter.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Razor E200 Electric Scooter
We bought this scooter for my 11 year old daughter's birthday. She says it her all time favorite gift. she like the speed and how easy it is to ride.Get more detail about Razor E200 Electric Scooter.
Razor PowerWing DLX Review
I bought this for my daughter's 10th birthday and she loves it. All the kids in the neighborhood want one. The price was right on Amazon and it has already been worth the price.Get more detail about Razor PowerWing DLX.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Razor E125 Electric Scooter (Black and Red) Top Quality
My son just loves the Razor 125. My daughter has the 100 and the 125 is superior in speed. Amazon found us the best price including free shipping on this product.Get more detail about Razor E125 Electric Scooter (Black and Red).
Razor Spark Scooter This instant
This scooter is too much fun! I bought it for my son and sometimes catch myself scooting around on it! Great item!
(The reviewer was compensated for posting this review. However, the opinion stated in the review is that of the reviewer and the reviewer alone. Further, the reviewer independently selected this product to review and has no affiliation with the product maker/distributor, Amazon or the review requester.)Get more detail about Razor Spark Scooter.
Razor Special Edition Steel Scooter Immediately
Well packaged! This Scooter is great it rools vey well and can hold adults. Good matierial and resistant.Get more detail about Razor Special Edition Steel Scooter.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Pulse Kick 'N Go Nitrous Scooter Best Quality
The Kick and Go scooter does not get used frequently. It's a lot more effort to keep it going compared to a regular scooter. It's very hard for my kids to use if there's is any incline on the sidewalk or road. It goes much slower than I regular scooter and is generally frustrating for my children to use, because no matter how fast they pump, it does not go as fast as their regular scooters. I would not recommend this toy and wish I had not purchased it.Get more detail about Pulse Kick 'N Go Nitrous Scooter.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Razor A Kick Scooter (Hello Kitty) Get it now!
Great scooter and amazing price. My daughter loves this as do I. No need to get a more expensive one for younger kids. The little Kitty pouch is very cute and useful too!Get more detail about Razor A Kick Scooter (Hello Kitty).
Monday, September 6, 2010
Street Surfing Whiplash Wave Scooter Buy Now
Purchased this scooter for my 12 year old son. As we unpacked it, we noticed that it had scratches on it, as if it had been used. My son and I put it together and he rode it for about two hours before a bracket near the the bottom and behind the front wheel cracked and broke. Needless to say, I am very unhappy and am returning product for a refund.Get more detail about Street Surfing Whiplash Wave Scooter.
Huffy Disney Princess Scooter, Pink/Purple, 6-Inch Order Now
My daughter was given this scooter for Christmas. She loved it and rode around constantly. Unfortunately, a few months later while riding the scooter she fell and broke her femur. She was in a spica cast for 5 weeks. A few weeks later we heard of another girl who did the exact same thing. Stay away from this scooter! The design causes it to tip over when you turn the front wheel!! Not worth it at all!Get more detail about Huffy Disney Princess Scooter, Pink/Purple, 6-Inch.
Razor E300 Electric Scooter Decide Now
Bought this for myself after having bought the E150 for my 9 year old. Product is great! We have great fun together! Sturdy, easy to set up out of the box. So far the Battery life conforms to what they advertise. I would definately recommend this for teenagers or adults!Get more detail about Razor E300 Electric Scooter.
Razor Pocket Mod Miniature Euro Electric Scooter Right now
I bought this for my then 8 year old daughter (came from Santa) almost three years ago. Kids, teens & adults love it and quality must be good because I've not done a darn thing to maintain the scooter. Today is the first time I've had to pay attention to it as the inner tube on back tire (I'm guessing) is kaput. I just purchase two inner tubes from Monster Scooter Parts (on sale for 9.99 each) but you can also get parts from [...]. I do recall I had difficulty attaching the front tire piece to the main part of the bike because the screw was recessed so deeply or some such thing that it took me like two hours to get it attached. But other than that, this razor scooter is still a big hit and I look forward to years more with this 'toy'.Get more detail about Razor Pocket Mod Miniature Euro Electric Scooter.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Lowest Price Razor PowerWing Caster Scooter
Bought this for our grand daughter who turned 7 in August. She loved it and no problem getting into the "swing" of it. It is very well made and is a lot of fun for kids in this age group. Do suggest wearing a helmet though since they forget how fast they can go.Get more detail about Razor PowerWing Caster Scooter.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Low Price Razor E100 Electric Scooter
I bought an E100 from Amazon for my 7-year-old son about 45 days ago. I can tell you that only rain and wet roads have prevented him from riding it daily!
At first, my wife and I questioned my judgment in buying it for him. The first time he got on it, he lost control of it had a bad-looking crash. He hopped up unharmed though, so we gave him some time to learn. Every day since then, I have found him being diligent to charge it and eager to ride it.
So, here's my list of pros and cons.
1. The battery lasts a good hour of uphill/downhill riding.
2. The large, pneumatic tire up front makes quick work of bumps and rocks.
3. The wide standing surface allows for his feet to be together, side-by-side, if he wants.
4. The scooter is sturdy and solid.
5. The handlebars and shaft can be separated from the body for transport.
6. The handlebars can be height-adjusted to fit most kids.
7. It's quick enough for fun, but not so fast as to be dangerous.
8. It ships in two pieces: Handlbars/shaft assembly and the main body. Attaching the two pieces is all the assembling that's necessary.
1. The brake is insufficient. It will eventually stop the scooter, but don't let your kid(s) rely on it. Teach them to steer out of situations and release the throttle. It will not stop my 9-year-old (65 lbs) son when he's rolling down our slightly sloped driveway. Of course, the effectiveness of the brake is directly proportional to the strength of the rider's grip, but the gripping power of kids in this age group is probably less than what this scooter-brake combo needs.
2. The rear wheel is like one on a regular Razor scooter - solid and slick. This works well on most dry surfaces, but be careful because it can and will slide in more situations than a grooved, rubber tire would.
3. The drive chain attaches on right side of the back wheel, and it has a cover over it. That sounds like it should be a good thing, but the cover is actually so large that it prevents most right turns. If you turn more than just a little to the right, the cover will make contact with the road, and the back wheel will lose contact with the road.
1. There is an on/off switch on the battery.
2. The motor engages after the scooter reaches 3 mph.
3. The manual recommends charging the scooter for 12-18 hrs.
4. The scooter is heavy enough to render it useless without the motor. Don't expect that your kid will continue to use it as a push scooter when the battery dies.
5. The scooter did NOT ship in plain packaging. It shipped in just the scooter box. It was for my son's birthday, and the surprise was nearly spoiled when delivery came.
This scooter is a good buy for the money, and so long as you are aware of the issues that come with it, it will make for a fun toy. My son still tells me that this scooter is the best present he has ever received! If you have the money to get the 200 or 300, I would recommend doing so as long as you're comfortable with the increased speed/power.Get more detail about Razor E100 Electric Scooter.
Save Razor Jr. Kiddie Kick Scooter
Nice item, not meant for anyone older than 4. Good structure but a little unsteady.Get more detail about Razor Jr. Kiddie Kick Scooter.
Discount Razor Cruiser Scooter
This scooter popped out of the box ready to ride. I thought I would have to put it together! It's great fun for my seven year old granddaughter and my 200+ pound son-in-law rode it too!Get more detail about Razor Cruiser Scooter.
Cheapest Mini kick Scooter - PINK, for kids age 3-5. Winner of the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold and Platinum Best Toy Award Seals - ALSO available in new Yellow, Green, Aqua, Orange and Blue
This was a hit with my 3 year old daughter. She got it for her 3rd birthday. It was simple to put together, has a nice and practical design, is perfectly sized for her, and she's able to carry it around if necessary. She gets some good speed on it, and immediately picked up on how to use the brake. She's still working on steering but enjoys riding on it very much. It makes a great 1st scooter.Get more detail about Mini kick Scooter - PINK, for kids age 3-5. Winner of the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold and Platinum Best Toy Award Seals - ALSO available in new Yellow, Green, Aqua, Orange and Blue.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cheap Razor Pro Model Scooter
If your new to scootering and you want to learn tricks and jump stuff, this is the scooter for you. not to heavy, great balance, light deck, perfect for new comers. i advise you pick this scooter over any other brands or typesGet more detail about Razor Pro Model Scooter.
Buying Razor A3 Kick Scooter (Blue, Clear, or Red)
We had no idea how badly our 7-year-old daughter wanted a scooter. Since we gave it to her, she uses it all the time, wheeling around the house or up and down our street. She even tried the local skatepark and loves that. Fortunately, the bigger people are very sweet and protective of her, seeing that she is one of the only girls. Hopefully it will keep up to the wear and tear.Get more detail about Razor A3 Kick Scooter (Blue, Clear, or Red).
Buy Razor A5 Lux Scooter
I bought this scooter for my 17-year old son who has difficulty walking. It helps him to get around. Overall, it does a good job, but there are a couple of issues. One is that the handlebar is too low, even though the scooter is marketed for adults (my son is about 5'8"). Also, the handles have sharp edges which dig into his palms. The other issue is more important. The scooter is very hard to fold and unfold. We do it a lot when we travel and put it in the trunk, then take it out at each stop. The little lever at the bottom that you have to pull up in order to fold or unfold the scooter is always stuck, and it takes a lot of time and effort to do the job. I wonder if anyone has advice on how to fix it; otherwise I may have to return it as defective.Get more detail about Razor A5 Lux Scooter.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Purchase Kent Super Scooter
The scooter itself is well built but it has very cheap brakes that are extremely difficult to put together. I had to pay more than the scooter was worth to have it put together.Get more detail about Kent Super Scooter.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Order Razor Jr. Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter
My grandsons (ages 4 and 6) love their scooters and the three-wheel design adds a safety factor that pleases Nana!Get more detail about Razor Jr. Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Where To Buy Razor A2 Kick Scooter
This well build scooter could take a beating. It was used hard and still keep rolling. Very smooth and turned great. Daughter was 8 when she got it and was prefect for her. Next door kids used and a bought themselves one.Get more detail about Razor A2 Kick Scooter.
Shop For Razor A Kick Scooter
Bought it for my 8 yr old son for his birthday. He absolutely LOVES it. Very durable construction. Would definitely buy another.Get more detail about Razor A Kick Scooter.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Buy Cars McQueen Hardshell Bicycle Helmet and Protective Pad Value Pack (Toddler)
It is hard to find helmets for kids that look good, are well made, and do not cost a ton. This helmet meets all three.Get more detail about Cars McQueen Hardshell Bicycle Helmet and Protective Pad Value Pack (Toddler).
Friday, August 27, 2010
Purchase The Original Flying Turtle® (Multiple Colors)
This is a great toy. My kids can zoom everywhere. It's great to see a toy that reminds me of good old fashion fun that is easy to operate and very well made. Enjoy!Get more detail about The Original Flying Turtle® (Multiple Colors).
The description for these handle grips say they are for the Razor Scooter. These handle grips do fit but are a lot shorter than the original grips that came on the scooter. I was quite disappointed, but I threw them on because it seemed like a lot of trouble to return them. Would not recommend for Razor Scooters!Get more detail about NEW REPLACMENT Handle Grips for RAZOR SCOOTER Blue FOAM.
Where To Buy Fuzion Hawk 4 Scooter
My son loves the way this scooter carves... He's a surfer and skater and this feels like a combo of these sports. A quality product, sturdy and good looking too!Get more detail about Fuzion Hawk 4 Scooter.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Shop For Razor MX350 Dirt Rocket Electric Motocross Bike
We purchased this bike for our son's 5th birthday. He absolutely loves it! The size of the bike will be great for him for at least few more years. Great value for the cost.Get more detail about Razor MX350 Dirt Rocket Electric Motocross Bike.
Mogo Scooter (Ships in Assorted Colors)
I bought this item for work so folks in my area can scoot around campus to make meetings or deliver stuff. Now that it's together I'm pleased, it rides well and the brakes are good quality.
However, getting to that stage took more time that I expected. The box was pretty beat up, and there is little padding inside to protect the bike. The front reflector was in pieces. The fenders are pretty warped, but do fit. The main problem was that the back fork was too narrow. Either they made it too tight when they manufactured it or it took a serious bump. Regardless, I ended up filing the inside of the fork on both sides, and I had to manhandle the fork apart to get the back wheel to set in place, with the help of a hammer.
There was something wrong with the valve on the back tire. The front tire filled fine with my small compressor at home, but the head couldn't properly depress the pin on the valve on the back tire. Luckily my son left his upright hand pump at home so I used it, but I had to really force the air into the back tire to get it up to pressure.
I am tall (6'4") and the handle bar height is not adjustable, making for a slightly uncomfortable ride for me.
I also noticed that the website listed for the manufacturer was defunct.
But for the price it was a good deal. I am now looking at the Kickbike Sport Classic to buy for personal use. It is a blast to use one of these, it's both fun and a good workout.Get more detail about Mogo Scooter (Ships in Assorted Colors).
Disney Princess Micro Bicycle Helmet and Protective Pad Value Pack (Toddler) Review
I liked this item, and gave it to my 3yr old daughter. I got the Toddler size which says would fit up to 5yr olds. The Helmet was fine, but the pads were too tight. Too small, she wore it for 30 mins and it left her a mark. She complained about it. So I will be buying her the bigger size. She is 36inches tall and is not a petite but she isnt a big kid.Get more detail about Disney Princess Micro Bicycle Helmet and Protective Pad Value Pack (Toddler).
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
X-Treme Scooters X-600 High Performance Electric Scooter Top Quality
We order this scooter in dec.2009 and we received it within 5 days(quicker than expected). Packaging was perfect and everything was inside it.
The only problem (and we expected to have at least one problem according to other customers reviews) was that after second time out and not more than 6 miles total, it died on us. So we decided to contact the company that deals with these scooters and email them our concern.To make the story shorter, we exchanged several emails (the only time we had to wait for an answer was because it was a weekend) and checked everything we could check on the scooter. It was quite curteous in the exchange of emails and within a week we had the problem part in our hands. Either we are lucky or this company improved its customer relationship.
Anyway, it was quite easy to replace the part and everything function fine since.
We enjoy it, it does what is supposed to do and it's fun. Easy to transport in a car. We added lights for safety and an old style horn and have a ball being kids again (we are in our 50's & 60's).We can use it either sitting or standing for those with balance.
Get more detail about X-Treme Scooters X-600 High Performance Electric Scooter.
maxi kick Scooter - BLACK with T-Bar Steering - Winner of the Oppenheim Portfolio Gold and Platinum Award Seals 2009 This instant
After many hours of searching the web and stores we decided on this scooter for our Grandson's 7th birthday. It was a breeze to assemble. He loves it. It is so easy to manuver. Only thing is his three year old sister is on it as much as he is. The handlebars can be adjusted to the heighth of the rider. We have bought her the mini for Easter. We ordered both from Amazon and they were both at our door within a few days.Easter is in a few days and we can't wait to see them both riding together instead of fighting over who rides next.Get more detail about maxi kick Scooter - BLACK with T-Bar Steering - Winner of the Oppenheim Portfolio Gold and Platinum Award Seals 2009.
1.5 amp 36 Volt Scooter Charger for Schwinn S600/S750/ST1000 GT GT750 Electric Scooter Immediately
i bought two of these items and one quit working shortly after the purchase. it sparked and must have shorted out and no longer works.
fortunately the other one still works, but for how long?Get more detail about 1.5 amp 36 Volt Scooter Charger for Schwinn S600/S750/ST1000 GT GT750 Electric Scooter.
Disney Princess Basket Best Quality
My little princess loves to ride her bike with this basket! It is very pretty and well made. Also a great low price.Get more detail about Disney Princess Basket.
Razor Battery Charger for the e200, e300, PR200, Pocket Mod, Sports Mod, and Dirt Quad Get it now!
Debated weather to buy this for my 6 year old daughter. She really wanted one of the battery operated jeeps, but I just couldn't see spending that kind of money and have her grow out of it. This scooter ended up being perfect for her! She is an active, outgoing, and pretty daring little girl though. She got right on and rode it great! I'm sooooo glad I didn't go with the battery jeep! She will be able to ride this for years. We have had it for about 3 months and so far its ran great and had no problems. It was also half the cost of a battery jeep! It says like 12 and over but don't be too scared to get it for younger girls. My 10 year old rides it just fine too. Just don't let them loose on the streets!Get more detail about Razor Battery Charger for the e200, e300, PR200, Pocket Mod, Sports Mod, and Dirt Quad.
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